デジタルシャーマン・プロジェクト / Digital Shaman Project
The “Digital Shaman Project” revolves around robots for domestic use wearing 3D-printed faces of deceased people, and manipulated with specially developed programs to imitate those people’s speech, behavior and other physical characteristics. The idea behind this is to propose a new form of funeral in which robots spend 49 days* after a person’s death with the members of his or her family. While the realm of alchemy and belief appears to be conflicting with that of science and technology, considering the common disposition of assuming and suggesting “something that is not here,” ICHIHARA proposes that both might in fact be very closely related, mutually compatible fields. Based on this idea, this project was conceived with the aim to propose new forms of prayer and entombment in this age of advanced science and technology.
Concept Movie

Artist, Director: Etsuko ICHIHARA
Application and Motion Development: Uco
Planning Support / Actress: Shiho SATO
Logo Design: Yurie HATA
Tablet UI Design: Manami INOSE
Photographer: Masashi KUROHA
Video Direction: Hiroshi TAKAI (Garage)
Videographer: Jinam/Akifumi Watanabe
Model: Naotaka FUJII, Shintaro NAKAJIMA, Etsuko ICHIHARA, Yamazaki SHISHI, GOMESS, Manami INOSE, Anne Ferrero
Support: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan (Project to Support and Nurture of Media Arts Creators) / INNOvation program from The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
2018:アルスエレクトロニカ Interactive Art+部門 Honorary Mention(栄誉賞)
2018:アルスエレクトロニカ STARTS PRIZE部門 ノミネート
2016:総務省 異能vationに採択(デジタルシャーマン・プロジェクト)
2015:文化庁メディア芸術クリエイター育成事業 採択(デジタルシャーマン・プロジェクト)
2018:[Honorary Mention] Ars Electronica Interactive Art Award《Digital Shaman Project》
2018:[Nomination] Ars Electronica STARTS PRIZE Award《Digital Shaman Project》
2017: [Excellence Award] at the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival《Digital Shaman Project》
2016:the INNOvation program from The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications《Digital Shaman Project》
2015:Supported Project to Support and Nurture of Media Arts Creators by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan
「デジタルシャーマン」という新たな弔いのかたち」TOKYO FM, 2017.08
「弔いだってデジタル化 四十九日まではロボットで一緒に」AERA, 2017.08
「Pepperがイタコに。意外な使い方に込められた壮大な構想とは」 サイエンスニュース,2016.01
「新発見アートバラエティ アーホ!」フジテレビ, 2016.02
「49日間 遺族寄り添うロボ」 – 朝日新聞, 2016.01.01
美術手帖 2017年1月号 – 「MEETING THE ARTIST – 期待のアーティストに聞く!」インタビュー
「AbemaPrime」AbemaTV, 2017.03
・NHK Radio「Suppin!」
・TOKYO FM「Feature School」
・Nippon Broadcasting「ASA-Radi by Hidetsuu」
・TBS Radio「AI radio Interest Familly」

Japan Media Arts Festival at Operacity Art Gallery

2018.2.22 Nikkei, the most-read business newspaper in Japan has featured Digital Shaman / 日本経済新聞の一面に掲載

2018.1.4 Exhibit at “MECÂNICA – Japan Media Arts Festival in Aichi” / 文化庁メディア芸術祭愛知展「MECÂNICA」にて展示
“Digital Shaman Project” was displayed as main work at Japan Media Arts Festival in Aichi held in Nagoya city, Aichi Pref, JAPAN.

2017.9.26 Appeared Japanese TV news program / テレビ朝日「スーパーJチャンネル」で紹介
introduced by “Super J Channel“, TV asahi

2017.3.14 Won the Excellence Award at the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival / 第20回文化庁メディア芸術祭エンターテインメント部門優秀賞を受賞
Digital Shaman Project won the Excellence Award at the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival, Entertainment Division in 2017.
Thank you so much.

2016.11.2 Chosen for the INNOvation program / 総務省「異能vation」に採択
Digital Shaman Project is chosen for the INNOvation program from The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
The purpose of this program is raising Ingenious people to breakthrough Japanese technology.

2016.5.30 Talk at「TEDxUTokyo」/
※Sorry Japanese only
YouTube: “Designing death – Etsuko Ichihara”