I really enjoyed joining “Matsudo International Science Art Festival”. We are included curated exh…
タグ: アルスエレクトロニカ
I will exhibit several artworks(including new piece) in MATSUDO INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE ART FESTIVAL, in a frame…
Exhibition and Performance in Ars Electronica Festival 2019
世界最高峰のメディアアートの祭典「Ars Electronica Festival」(オーストリア・リンツ市)で今年も展示します!今回はISIDイノラボとの共同プロジェクト「都市のナマハゲ – Namahag…
Thank you for visiting my exhibition at Ars Electronica!
Finally, My exhibition at Ars Electronica Festival was finished. Thanks a lot for many visit and cooperation. …
Exhibition at Ars Electronica Festival
I will exhibit our ”Digital Shaman Project” at Ars Electronica Festival, The most famous media arts festival …
Prix Ars ElectronicaでHonorary Mentionを受賞
世界最高峰のメディアアート賞、Prix Ars Electronica(アルスエレクトロニカ)のInteractive Art+部門で「デジタルシャーマン・プロジェクト」がHonorary Mention(栄誉賞)を受賞…