Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet

Ars Electronica巡回展 “Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet”に”Digital Shaman Project”を展示しています。Ars Electronica × Hyundai Motor Group × 中央美術学院(CAFA)の共同企画で、北京の798芸術区に新設されたHyundai Motor Studio Beijingが会場。Amy KarleやMemo Akten氏、Isaac Monté など個人的に前から大好きだった作品や著名なアーティストの方々と一緒に出展させて頂き大変光栄です。会期は来年2月末まで。
Ars Electronica Export | Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet

I am participating in the exciting exhibition “Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet” at Hyundai Motor Studio Beijing in the 798 Art District. The exhibition is produced by Ars Electronica × Hyundai Motor Group × Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing.
“Future Humanity – Our Shared Planet” is a series of three exhibitions, happening simultaneously in Hyundai Motorstudios in three megacities: Beijing, Seoul and Moscow.
It was great honor for me to work with such wonderful curators, artists, and all staff regarding this exhibition.


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